Saturday, January 28, 2023

More Lambs!

Let's try this again. 

Two days ago, our ewe Basil, lambed twins. She gave us both a ram and a ewe lamb. 



Then just tonight, our ewe Sage, lambed with twin ewe lambs! 

"Parsley" and "Marjoram"

Of course, I can't forget to share a photo of the proud papa, Othello.


We can't close this post without updating you on Rosemary's little boys.  They are growing so fast and have so much energy and are as cute as can be. 




  1. More mouths to feed.

    1. Rosemary, Basil, and Sage will be feeding them. Eventually they will eat the hay that is already in the carport, then to pasture which costs us nothing. Eventually, some will be sold, and others processed to feed us. We actually are blessed by the presence of these animals on the homestead because they bring value. At an average of $12 per pound in the market for lamb, we couldn't possibly put a fraction of that into each lamb.

  2. Congratulations on having new born Parsley and Marjoram. I love reading your updates and sharing them with your children in Uganda. Thank you for having an opportunity to post this Auntie Rachel.

    1. I am so glad to hear they enjoy the pictures.

    2. Is that the last? So 3 ewes and 3 rams? next the goats will start kidding?

    3. Yes. Now we wait for the goats. They are so close!

  3. So fun Rachel! These Little’s are adorable!

  4. Aw! They are adorable…although I know that they aren’t pets.


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