Homeschool Year 22

 If you had told me in 1994, at the end of my first year of college, that I would be a teacher, I would have laughed at you.  I had just finished my first year at the local community college with Elementary Education as my major.  Let me say, I was sick of it!  

Through these years, I have learned that the first few years are far harder to teach than any other grade.  Teaching the fundamentals can be quite difficult at times, especially considering there are so many learning styles.  Every child is different - unique in his or her own way.  This includes how they learn, too. 

Every year I try to re-evaluate whether or not the curriculum I am using is working or not for each child.  This year, I have seen that even though some curriculum is thorough and beautiful (if that is a good adjective), it isn't always the best fit. 

This year I have decided to take Caleb from The Good and the Beautiful and put him into other programs in order to allow him time to step back and learn some skills he just can't seem to grasp.  While I love The Good and the Beautiful, it is a little too in depth for his comprehension as well as his writing skills.  


  • Math - Horizon's grade 4
  • Language Arts - A Reason for Spelling, A Reason for Handwriting, Write Shop Junior C, and Christian Light Education: Bridges Beyond
  • Science: continuation in God's Design
  • History: The Good and the Beautiful History 3 (after we complete the Constitution)
  • Bible: Foundations Press: Foundations 1
  • Math - The Good and the Beautiful - finish grade 5, then into 6
  • Language Arts - The Good and the Beautiful - finish grade 4, then into 5
  • Handwriting
  • Science: continuation in God's Design
  • History: The Good and the Beautiful History 3 (after we complete the Constitution)
  • Bible: Foundations Press: Foundations 1
  • Math - The Good and the Beautiful - finish grade 5, then into 6
  • Language Arts - The Good and the Beautiful - finish grade 6, then into 7th
  • Handwriting
  • Science: finish Apologia Swimming Creatures, then into Apologia Anatomy and Physiology
  • History: The Good and the Beautiful History 3 (after we complete the Constitution)
  • Bible: Foundations Press: Foundations 1
  • Math - after completion of Geometry, Horizon's Pre-Algebra (complete it)
  • Language Arts - Daily Grams 10th grade, Write Shop I, undecided on reading, possibly spelling
  • Science: Continue in Nutrition and Biology
  • History: The Good and the Beautiful History 3 (after we complete the Constitution)
  • Bible: Foundations Press: Foundations 1
  • Continue with current Geography
  • Continue with Arkansas State History and Geography
Alexandra is currently going through her electives slowly.  She will continue them on her own pace until she has completed all the courses laid out in her high school education plan. The sooner she completes everything, the sooner she graduates.  

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