Friday, January 20, 2023

And Lambing Begins

This will be short, but oh so sweet!

Last night, our first ewe to come to our farm, lambed for the third time with......

Yep, twin rams. Oh! How I wish I could get ewes from her!

This morning, I opened the gate to allow all the sheep back together.  It went pretty well.  Lego, Rosemary's ram from last year, but very curious.  Thyme, Sage's ewe lamb from last year, was scared of the babies. 
Eventually, they all settled in.  Rosemary started eating acorns, the babies in tow.  A few times, the babies went to Lego, and he began lightly head-butting them.  I am sure she will do a great job as a mom to twins. 


  1. Can you trade one or two rams or one ram +$ for one ewe?

    1. I actually am wanting to possibly barter, but maybe not for another lamb. We shall see.

  2. a black and a white. Maybe there can be a trade down the road.

    1. Yes. My hope is that people locally will want to do a trade. Even for labor, it would work.

  3. I love this so much. Thank you for sharing 🙏😂

    1. You are welcome! Enjoy. ( I am pretty sure you are Joseph.)

  4. Aw! Lambs are adorable. (I know that’s not why you have them, but. LOL) Do you expect more? I can’t remember how many moms you have.

    1. Eeek! I am so excited to hear this. Oh, I keep getting notifications of comments on your old blog...obviously spam comments, but I was just thinking this morning when I saw it that I miss your blog.

    2. I forgot to say, we have two more ewes due to lamb. The last ewe I don't think is pregnant at this time.


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