Saturday, November 5, 2022

Menu Planning

I bought this chalk board calendar a year ago and used it for a monthly meal plan.  That proved to be a daunting task! 

A few days ago, the kids chose a day of the week in which they could choose the evening meal.  When I finally figured out how to use this board for a weekly menu, I wrote it all in using a gold marker.  Then I proceeded to work with kids for an idea for each meal.  

When it comes to snacks, I do not keep a lot of junk food or store bought snacks.  So snacks are often bread, tortilla chips, veggies, fruit, nuts, etc.  Desserts are not usually an every day thing, but with the small amount of sugar the kids do get, I can work a dessert schedule which is fruit based with less sugar.   We have also come to enjoy homemade yogurt with fresh berries and maple syrup for dessert which is quite refreshing. 

So the point of this menu?  Well, now the kids know what they can and can't have.  If there is something written down they are less likely to question what the next meal is.  Now what they will do is ask, "Mom, when are you going to cook the oatmeal?"  

1 comment:

  1. I’m glad you decided to keep writing.
    ~Aunt M


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