Friday, November 4, 2022

Ducks in the Garden - Finally!

The other day, I started the process now blocking my garlic and greens bed off from the ducks in order to be able to move them. Unfortunately, I ran out of the open roll of chicken wire and I couldn't find the rest of the black plastic netting we took off the deck when we moved here. 

Well, I ended up with one side still open...

Until this morning. I found the other roll of black plastic net. So up it went! 

I know, I know. It looks rather mismatched, but it doesn't have to look perfect. It does have to serve it's purpose. 

So the girls and I caught the three ducks and brought them over. I made a shelter for them with half of a dog crate and some stones. 

Now they get to enjoy the garden spaces for the winter. By then we should be able to set up a more permanent habitat. 

**For those who do not know, ducks do not have "hot" manure, so their droppings will not burn any plants in the garden. Chickens, turkeys, and quail do. Therefore their manure needs to be composted before adding to a garden.** (Goats, sheep, and rabbits also do not have hot manure.)

Now to figure out the turkeys!

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