Monday, November 7, 2022

Pintos and Hummus

Beans are an easy meal which is why I like to have beans in my pantry.  It frustrates me when I forget to take something out for supper and don't even have beans on the shelf.  I mean, who does that?  No beans?  

I put a bowl out to soak last night and this morning I started processing them.  I had the perfect amount for 12 quarts (six meals) and I didn't have any beans left over.  When the beans were in the pressure canners, I decided to do a quick soak for chickpeas.  While they were soaking, I decided to make jars of "hummus".  Of course, you can't pureed beans and process them and tahini is a big no-no in the canning process, too. (At least that is what the USDA says 😉.) So into each jar went salt, cumin, garlic, and lemon juice.  It smelled so amazing when I pulled them out.

So what's next:
  • baked beans
  • black beans (perhaps in southwest flavor?)
  • cranberry sauce
  • butternut (if they are ripe enough)
  • tomato sauce from the tomatoes I did put in the freezers
If you haven't checked it out, don't forget to take a look at my kitchen page. You can find the link in the top bar or the menu (depending on what device you use). 

Sunday, November 6, 2022

Lamb Bone Broth

I had forgotten that I had three bags of lamb bones in the freezer from when we processed our last sheep in the spring. 

Bone broth is one of the easiest things to pressure can and it is so rich in flavor and nutrition. I actually save all the bones from meals and label what type they are. Those are thrown in the freezer for a day when I can create more broth. 

I like to simmer my broth for two days, but that doesn't always work out. One day of simmering is the minimum in order to draw out the nutrition from the bones. 

I did pull off all the fat from this batch and I will probably use it for cooking things like potatoes. I wonder how biscuits would taste with it, too. 

At the end of the process, the bones and veggies go to the chickens for a high protein meal.  They pick those bones clean as can be! (No, I do not give the bones to the dogs because they have been cooked. Raw bones are always best for dogs.)

Oh! And I am super happy to have figured out how to prevent the siphoning of liquid from the jars during processing.  I haven't lost liquid since. Just look at that headspace! Perfect!

Saturday, November 5, 2022

Menu Planning

I bought this chalk board calendar a year ago and used it for a monthly meal plan.  That proved to be a daunting task! 

A few days ago, the kids chose a day of the week in which they could choose the evening meal.  When I finally figured out how to use this board for a weekly menu, I wrote it all in using a gold marker.  Then I proceeded to work with kids for an idea for each meal.  

When it comes to snacks, I do not keep a lot of junk food or store bought snacks.  So snacks are often bread, tortilla chips, veggies, fruit, nuts, etc.  Desserts are not usually an every day thing, but with the small amount of sugar the kids do get, I can work a dessert schedule which is fruit based with less sugar.   We have also come to enjoy homemade yogurt with fresh berries and maple syrup for dessert which is quite refreshing. 

So the point of this menu?  Well, now the kids know what they can and can't have.  If there is something written down they are less likely to question what the next meal is.  Now what they will do is ask, "Mom, when are you going to cook the oatmeal?"  

Friday, November 4, 2022

Ducks in the Garden - Finally!

The other day, I started the process now blocking my garlic and greens bed off from the ducks in order to be able to move them. Unfortunately, I ran out of the open roll of chicken wire and I couldn't find the rest of the black plastic netting we took off the deck when we moved here. 

Well, I ended up with one side still open...

Until this morning. I found the other roll of black plastic net. So up it went! 

I know, I know. It looks rather mismatched, but it doesn't have to look perfect. It does have to serve it's purpose. 

So the girls and I caught the three ducks and brought them over. I made a shelter for them with half of a dog crate and some stones. 

Now they get to enjoy the garden spaces for the winter. By then we should be able to set up a more permanent habitat. 

**For those who do not know, ducks do not have "hot" manure, so their droppings will not burn any plants in the garden. Chickens, turkeys, and quail do. Therefore their manure needs to be composted before adding to a garden.** (Goats, sheep, and rabbits also do not have hot manure.)

Now to figure out the turkeys!

Thursday, November 3, 2022

Finally! A Field Trip!

Today I took the kids on a field trip. I figured it was high time to do so. 

I took a few pictures and wondered why it is that smiles almost never appear on their faces. I know it isn't practical to smile all the time, but seriously?

It reminds me of the old days when photographs were taken, folks just didn't smile. Why is that? Was life hard? Was there no joy? 

I try daily to try to get these kids to find joy despite circumstances. I try to get them to focus on blessings rather than those things they wish they had, but don't need. 

Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Canned French Fries?

Why yes! 

But I don't know yet how they will turn out. The theory is drain first, coat with oil and spices, then bake. I have seen rebel canning recipes online in which the potatoes are cut into fry shape and canned without water. These are obviously canned in water. 

I will definitely update you when I try them out. 

Tuesday, November 1, 2022


Our these kids have never had bikes until recently. They tried riding before at a friend's house and were able to ride a little, but riding at our place is different because we are on a hill.  

This morning, the final two were able to keep upright and ride. So proud of these kids reaching this milestone.

And very excited to see them exercise willingly. No cell phones and video games here! Just old fashioned childhood entertainment. 

**Comments have been enabled again.  😁