Friday, May 13, 2022

Just The Little Things

Sometimes it is the little things that suffice.  Like fresh mint from the garden with which we can make iced tea.

A child who actually sits down to do school work without a bad atitude.

You praise Yah for the eggs that are coming in..finally.

For the first bigger harvest of strawberries...

And the fresh raw milk from a friend which you barter for newly hatched turkey poults. 

For the fresh goat milk you are blessed with every morning...

Homemade yogurt...

Banana bread...

And being able to mow the lawn around the back yard chicken coop. (We have chickens in three locations.)

We have been experiencing unseasonably warm temps this week. Not much can be done outside. 

Meanwhile I wait anxiously for tomatoes and peppers to pop out of the ground.  I decide what to plant in that small raised bed that no longer has carrots because the army worms ate every single sprout. 


  1. It really is the little things!

  2. Replies
    1. Yes. Nasty worms hide in top two inches of soil and devour your crops. They decimated my corn last year. As well as green beans and cucumbers.

  3. You've heard the saying, "A picture is worth a thousand words." I'm glad you are as good with the camera as you are with words. That makes for a wonderful blog which is both interesting and fun to read! I especially enjoyed the picture of your -not-so-little-anymore guy! He's a good-looking little dude!Please tell the kids "Hi" from Aunt Mary.

  4. You've heard the saying, "A picture is worth a thousand words." I'm glad you are as good with the camera as you are with words. That makes for a wonderful blog which is both interesting and fun to read! I especially enjoyed the picture of your -not-so-little-anymore guy! He's a good-looking little dude! Please tell the kids "Hi" from Aunt Mary.


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