Friday, March 11, 2022

The Big Six

Our youngest turned six today.  There will be no more sixth birthdays in our home.  

Caleb had been counting down the days for a while, but by this week he knew what day it was and he was fully aware how many more to go.  He even knew the date.  Yesterday, when we were in town together, he asked me what the date was.  I said, "It's the tenth." To that he replied, "Then it's Thursday, tomorrow is my birthday".  

He chose to have eggs and toast for breakfast, waffles for lunch, and chili for dinner. Unfortunately, the ice cream he requested wasn't able to be made since our chilling bowl was not frozen. So we will have to do it tomorrow. 

Leandra baked Caleb a very rich chocolate cake yesterday and frosted it today.  The girls were drawing a coloring book for days in order that they had a gift for him.  

Gramma and Grampa gave him two Lego sets and he sat with me today to pick some gifts from Rainbow Resource online.  I had already purchased a small stuffed toy for him the other day, so he had about $42 left on his birthday amount.  He chose a card game, two Lego platforms to build on, and a Lego set.  (In hind site, I should have asked my mother first. I think it is a duplicate.)

At any rate, he is sitting at the table building his space ship Lego set and having a grand time.  


  1. Grr, not sure why but I was logged out so my comment was lost. I forgot the date. This month is so messed up, I even forgot Andrews birthday. Did Caleb get his card? There was moola in it. I miss the baby in the little boy :(

    1. No card yet. Why moola if you bought him stuff? Silly...even then, no moola is needed. He wouldn't even ask. I do too. Miss the little baby he used to be hiking all over the property in muck boots, overalls, and a bucket. Goodness, now he gets into SOOOOO much trouble.


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