Sunday, March 13, 2022

Busy Work Day - Welcoming Spring

I have been working on being more organized with the care of the livestock.  So I put together a calendar on Google Calendar to keep track of what needs doing from hoof trims to de-worming. 

Today, I got the second dose of Quest Plus in all the goats (minus babies).  I was also able to get Genevieve on the stand to trim hooves and give her a BoSe injection for her selenium needs.  

Leandra did a little project for me and made my little "herd check" board neat.  Now everything is written nicely and quite organized.  This information gets transferred to paper in my notebook.  

I was finally able to get out with Al and get the sheep de-wormed as well as hooves trimmed.  I am so impressed on how good Basil's hooves look.  I wish I had a before and after picture of her hooves as well as Othello's.  Absolutely great compared to before.  Basil's hooves were literally two inches longer than should be.  Othello had a few that were about an inch or so too long.  They came to us this way.  I was worried I wouldn't be able to fix the issue, but I think they both should be fine. The other sheep had very minimal growth even for a year of growth. 

After that, we got started on placing the last of the railroad ties into the garden and moving more compost/mulch where it needs to be.  Some small raised containers were put in the garden as well (these are the containers we made using cement trays and 2x4s).  The garden will eventually be expanded more toward the east where the new sheep pens are. 

We were then able to auger the holes for the new fruit trees.  We bought two plum trees and two peach trees, but put in enough holes to add one more of each into the orchard.  The existing plum tree is not looking to hot and may end up getting cut down if it doesn't grow this year.  


Meanwhile, the indoor seedling are growing.  Some of my pepper seeds may be too old, but the Advarski peppers have emerged.  I may have to start some other peppers if I don't see growth soon.  Some of the onions have come up as have all the tomatoes.  A handful of the herbs have come up as well. 


I should be able to direct sow some seeds into the garden this week.  Those include peas, greens, and some root veggies.  

And now with daylight savings time we have a little extra time in the afternoon to get things done.  Tomorrow, school needs to get back into full swing.  Last week had three separate trips to town which throws it all completely off. 


  1. Our plum trees produced, tons of fruit, lousy and inedible. They all fell to the ground before ripening. After that, the bugs would get them before they would ripen. Don't think they even produce anymore. Hope yours do well. We were disappointed, but just left them there as trees. I would think peaches are a good tree to plant down there. They sure do well in georgia!

  2. I keep forgetting to check my comments. The peaches did well in Virginia as well. Bummer on the plums. I remember you telling me about them.


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