Thursday, October 19, 2023

A Move Away

Hey everyone.  

I'm writing to say I think I am done with the blogging.  At this point I really have nothing to write about and quite frankly, I think it all gets boring to hear all the stuff I do share.  I appreciate the fact that people do read the blog.  As much as I don't like FB, I find it works better for little updates here and there.  Little updates work better for me versus long updates like blog posts.  

So, I figured that I would put it out there that if you want to hear what is going on, you can find me on Facebook under the name Rae Maree (Rachel Espino).  If you want to hear what I am up to and what is going on around the place, that is where you can find me.  I know, I know, not everyone is on FB.  That's okay.  Send me an email if you want.  I'll always write back!  

Photo:  We have more water leaks.  Still trying to figure them out.  Al found one the other night, but come to find out there is another.  Why?  Where?  Who knows?  But he is at this moment using the back hoe to dig all the way to the house to find the leak. This means a straight line through my raised beg garden.  


Sunday, October 8, 2023

All's Quiet on the Homefront

I realize it has been very quiet in our neck of the woods.  This is due to the fact there really hasn't been much change - or any for that matter.  

The past week we celebrated the Biblical feast of Tabernacles.  We spent 7 days and 7 nights "camping" on the back deck.  I did all the cooking, except for hamburgers and hotdogs, in the house.  All the dishes were done in the house as well.  The first night was the only night Al slept outside, after that it was everyone except for him.  He worked every day of the week except for the sabbaths.  I had a bunch of crafts all lined up, but the kids weren't really interested.   We did do our tie dye shirts, which turned out really nice.  I don't have pictures of anything.  I guess in the long run, pictures aren't anything important when memories aren't really being made.  

I think this year, it just seemed like it was a "going through the motions", so-to-speak.  That, in my opinion is shameful.  It feels like "check the box, Oh, we are good" and that is wrong. I get weary of being the only one who seems to care and the only one who wants to try to make it a special time of both memorializing a past event in history as well as rehearsing a future event in the Kingdom.  I'll be honest, I didn't enjoy it.  

I did find myself thinking a lot (alone, as it seems to always be). I studied the scriptures that pertained to the Feast of Tabernacles as well as what the purpose of the "goodly" branches and such were.  I found myself wishing all this rehearsing and memorializing was over and we could do the real thing.  


In other news...

-our cat broke his hip, can't afford surgery, but he is doing really well

-our dog ran away and more than likely became a late night snack for a pack of coyotes