Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Kidding Season Wraps Up

Some of you have seen these photos, but this is for the remainder of you who read my blog. 

Kidding season is officially over! {{Insert a huge sigh.}}

No, seriously, it is one of the most exciting times of the year on our homestead. It falls right next to the lambing season, which in reality is the same season.  

This year wasn't a record for kids born, but it wasn't too shabby. The year 2019 produced 19 goat kids all sired by Galveston. This year brought us a total of 14 goat kids born to six does. Unfortunately, we lost one of Juniper's bucklings as well as Ivy's little doe who was dead on arrival. 

But Ivy's little guy, Oh Henry, was one to watch. He still is. He nursed well the first night and the following morning, from a bottle. Unfortunately, he slowed down and I couldn't seem to get him to drink from bottle or mom. He had what was called "dummy kid", otherwise known as PSR. After speaking with our vet, it was determined to try using the Madigan Squeeze, which is a technique developed to help simulate the birthing squeeze in order to reset the brain. It is highly effective. 

Basically, you wrap a cord snug around the ribcage, and hold it there for 10 minutes.  It puts them into a restful stage.  Once the ten minutes are up, you slowly release the cord.  The goat kid jumps up and bounces back.  Unfortunately, it didn't work for Oh Henry.  

It was back to research as I continued to go out and make sure he nursed from Ivy.  I found that some people had success with B Vitamin Complex injections (or just thiamine).  So I gave him an injection of that which only helped a little.  I gave up on the bottle since he refused to drink.  I was optimistic because his belly felt like it was full.  Every time I went out, I put him on mom and when done, I milked her out onto the ground.  Eventually, I noticed that Oh Henry was actually keeping up nicely even if he was slow.  

Last night, I saw the little guy actually climb up the cinder block and into the dome.  I was so happy I wanted to cry.  He is eating!  His belly is full, and he is even starting to play with the other goats. 

Leandra, our oldest daughter, arrived on Sunday.  It was just in time because our last doe to kid, Amber, was in early stages of labor.  We did end up going to bed without her having any kids, but I was sure I would wake up to kids. 

I was wrong.  I woke up, looked out the window, and she was clearly pushing.  I woke up Leandra and we both went out expecting our big girl to have multiples.  

Amber had two legs presenting, but no head.  I checked to make sure they were hind legs because sometimes I can't tell.  When I knew they were, I knew we were okay.  With a little help, Amber had a huge buckling.  And that was it.  One. Huge. Buckling. 

But can I say this boy is absolutely gorgeous?  I just love the little guy.  He is so chunky and soft.  

So, tomorrow we start the process of disbudding our goats.  This may sound cruel, but it is necessary for the safety of goats who are domesticated.  The process includes taking a hot "iron" and burning the horn bud to prevent the horns from coming out.  It is my least "favorite" job when it comes to goat kids.  I will probably have three sessions of disbudding since their births span a week.  

Have a great day!  


  1. I've seen that "rebirthing" method done for horses!!! It's crazy how that would reset the brain, there's so much we don't know about how the world really works. It's just amazing we figure these things out!! I'm glad the B vitamin worked for Oh Henry!

    1. Yes. It really is quite interesting. I had tried it before with a different dummy goat, but she died. The research shows that with PSR, some figure it out and some don't. He still isn't out of the woods, but there are definitely signs to watch for that prove he is improving.

  2. That is really fascinating about the cord and goat! Had never heard of that before. Glad your kid season was a success for the most part. Say hi to Leandra for me! Is this a visit? Pray for her often.

    1. It really is fascinating, and many people have used it successfully.

      Yes. She is visiting for two weeks. Can you believe she was actually planning to only stay for one???? 🤣 I said, "That doesn't give us very many coffee mornings." So she took another week off. ~ Rachel

    2. I love she’s staying two
      Weeks!! It will be nice to have her around and visit
      With. I’m sure the kids are just as excited 🥰

  3. I'm always amazed at how cute baby animals and baby people are. Part of God's overall plan for life for bonding. Although in reality - animals were not meant to be pets, I know there is a purpose in them being so stinkin cute!


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