Sunday, October 30, 2022



I don't know what it is about this particular layout, but I like it.  It has an Instagram feel; a one picture a day, narrate the image layout. So, I'll stick with it and leave a short blog post each day.  I probably won't be sending out emails any longer to let people know I have updated.  Instead, just remind yourselves to stop by now and again to catch up on the "snapshots" I leave.  

Today, despite the drizzle and mist, I got out and pulled about three 5 gallon buckets of Burmuda grass from the north end of one of the raised beds.  Afterward, I put in some of our own compost and mixed it.  I planted three pounds of seed garlic into the north and south ends of the same bed.  Two pounds went in the top section, but the last pound went to the bottom.  I had only weeded the top section, but the bottom section didn't need any weeding.  When all was done, I put a nice thick layer of hay over the garlic. 

Now to learn some ways to preserve the garlic so it doesn't rot.  My garlic from last year rotted and I had to throw it out. 

**Comments have been shut off for the blog.  I also think this layout allows you to choose how the blog shows up in your feed.  Just click the various layouts at the top left, under the title of the blog. Also, if you see the snapshots, those with a title or caption are the ones that start a post. 

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