Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Yom Teruah

"Speak to the children of Yisra'el, saying, 'In the seventh new moon, on the first day of the new moon, you have a rest, a remembrance of Teru'ah, You do no servile work, and you shall bring an offering made by fire to YHVH.'"  Lev. 23:24-25

This year marks our fourth year of keeping Yah's holy days. Two years ago, our son also came into this walk. 

Last night, my son sent this photo of him blowing the shofar for Yom Teruah. It is a beautiful picture and it fills my heart with joy. It is a joy I get as a mother seeing her son do the best he can to follow the commands of Yehovah, but it is also a spiritual joy as brothers and sisters in Messiah Yeshua sharing in a commanded holy day. 

But I want to back up a day...

We had planned to celebrate the day beginning sundown Sunday and Al had put in to have Monday off for the sabbath that follows the shofar blast. Unfortunately, the moon was not visible...at all. Our intentions were good, but our time was off.  Man's lunar predictions failed us. 

Monday night we went out to look for the moon as well, but we were unable to see it despite the clear night. Researching the internet quickly showed that it was only at .3% visibility - basically not visible. Once again, man's lunar predictions failed us. 

But tonight it is supposed to be 2% visible and able to be seen if we get out at the right time.  If we see the moon's sliver, we sound the shofar and truly it is Yom Teruah - Trumpets. 

I asked Andrew if he saw the moon when he sounded the shofar.  He replied with a "no". Clearly the sky was not offering any hindrance to the view of the heavens.  So why did he do it? 

Well, I am sure a lot of it had to do with "predictions" that fell short.  Another part had to do with a pre-planned calendar that is destined to fail.  Yet still another is that overwhelming desire we get to make a joyful noise unto the almighty.  

However, nothing comes close to the confirmed sightings that are made with our own eyes.  

So back to my explanation regarding times off.  We live in a world that does not accommodate the faith we have.  Most employers don't care what your feast days are, when you keep the sabbath, what hours start your sabbath, or whether or not you need a weird variety of days off that can't be determined until the month starts!  And even then they look at you like you have two heads because you keep a calendar month that isn't Roman and you don't celebrate the majority of holidays the world does.   Al requested Monday off for our Teruah sabbath, but it ended up our plans didn't work according to His plans.  (His ways are higher than ours - ALWAYS) He can't ask off another day so close to the Monday he mistakenly asked off.  

We do the best we can. That is what He asks.  He sees our willingness to do His things His way.  He knows my frustration when I try to plan accordingly and end up flubbed up, yet again, yet another year.  He saw my tears yesterday when I cried over getting it all wrong again. 

Andrew also asked me what you do when the moon isn't sighted.  I told him you look again the next night, but after a certain number you know the moon is there.  Even the ancient Israelites knew that.  But I am sure he is in the same predicament as Al.  Wrong days were taken off and there is nothing we can change about that.  

I think about how the gentile believers came into faith and the council had to "teach" them how to come out of idolatry and learn the ways of Yehovah.  I know they didn't get everything the first day, the first week, the first month, the first year, or maybe even the first decade.  But they made effort...and so can we.  

I asked Al to look into whether or not his employer would accommodate a slight change to days off.  If he will, then we will be able to adjust our other feasts and holy days accordingly.  If not, we can continue on as we planned knowing our days are slightly off and enjoying our time regardless.  

Blessings as always. 

**For more information on the moon and holy days, you can visit renewedmoon.com . This is the easiest way for me to know if the moon has been sighted when it isn't visible from my location either because of trees, busy life, or clouds.


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