Sunday, August 7, 2022

Tomatoes and The Fungus Among Us

After two weeks at my parents house, it is time to get started with farm life again.  

I won't lie...

It's been hard.  It's not so much that I don't want to work, but that there is so much work it overwhelms me.

I just need to prioritize.

Which I have been. 

I came home with 100# of tomatoes I purchased from my parents' Amish neighbors.  On Friday I got started canning tomatoes and managed to process 7 cans of whole tomatoes.  I also got a large pot of tomato sauce started, but had only managed to get through a little less than half of the tomatoes. 

So, today I picked up where I left off.  I pulled out the pot of sauce which was in the refrigerator and got that onto the stove to reduce.  Then I got started on a batch of salsa.  While the salsa simmered, I processed the tomato sauce.   Meanwhile the roaster was filled with tomatoes to cook down.

The salsa went into the canner after the sauce.  Then I went to milling the tomatoes and putting them in with the other sauce that didn't fit into the first load.  

So now the sauce is simmering and I am resting for a bit.  Al has been out in a neighbor's field baling hay.  Caleb has been out with him though I am sure he isn't offering much help.  

In other "news", the kids and I contracted ringworm, but not sure where we got it.  So we are working hard to stay on top of it and knock it back.  Caleb ended up with three spots on his face today.  He already had a few spots on his arm.  It is he that makes me nervous since he always has his fingers in his mouth.  He is a smart kid, but lacks common sense which is not easy when it comes to parenting. 

I think in my own case, the hardest spots to stay on top of are on my thumb, forearm, and my jaw by my ear.  The forearm rests everywhere I lay my arm.  My thumb can't be wrapped because I am always using my hands and washing them.  I guess washing will have to be treatment for my thumb.  I try to keep spots covered when in public, but I am allergic to the adhesive in bandages which leaves a rash on my arms. 

As for the garden, the weather has been so hot that the majority of the spring plantings have died.  There is so much I have to do in the garden to get it ready for fall planting, but I think I will start seeds in pots first in order to give me more time.  The cucumbers were pulled out Friday since they were no longer producing,  The corn died - which doesn't surprise me considering I am not good at growing it anyway.  I am hopeful the second planting will do better.  So far the second planting of beans is looking promising.  

Most of what needs doing is clean up.  Sunflowers, flowers, cucumbers, as well as the kids gardens.  Then after everything is cleaned up, I will add compost and plant again those things I plan to grow through the fall.   I hope to be able to grow some cabbage and broccoli, but we shall see.  

Well, I guess that wraps this up.  I do have some picture of our trip to the Ark Encounter, but I will save that for another day.  


  1. Oh, goodness! I hope the ringworm goes away very soon! 100#! We plan on growing many more tomatoes next season to can sauces. We’re harvesting cucumber, beans, carrots and blackberries right now. For how small a garden we have, we are pleased with what we are harvesting. I replanted peas which are already up and growing. I should harvest the rest of the loose leaf romaine and replant that. It’s looking less than healthy right now. It’s been miserably hot for about 4 weeks now.

    1. Your garden sounds so productive! So glad it is working for you.

  2. Oh, my! I’m so sorry to read about the ringworm and the gardening woes! I hope your weather improves as ours did the last few days. It was very dry here, too, but I don’t have gardens to be concerned about as you do. Your energy to keep at it is amazing! Your jars of tomatoes look wonderful! I can just imagine them on the shelves of your pantry and later in your soups and casseroles! YUM!
    ~Aunt M

    1. Sometimes I just need to sit back, breathe, thank God for His blessings including the physical ability to do what I do, and keep moving.

  3. Just a note that we suspect the ringworm came from a petting zoo near here. It did not come from our house. We have no animals and Grampa and Gramma do not have it. Gramma is the only one who did not go in the petting zoo. Rachel and the kids did. Pretty sure it came from there.
    I remember when I canned tomatoes several years ago. We bought several large boxes of organic tomatoes and they were beautiful. When we gardened, I froze the tomatoes until I had enough to can.

    1. So glad to hear you found source of ringworm! Also glad it was not the petting zoo.


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