Sunday, April 10, 2022

Rocks, Rocks, guessed it


Last week we tilled the garden expansion and started tossing out rocks.  

We didn't pull out many compared to today's rock haul. I didn't know Al was out pulling rocks after each pass of the tiller until I looked over and saw him on his knees tossing them out of the plot. 

So I headed over and started to work. He passed over it again with the tiller, uncovering more rocks.  

The girls used a few of them to put borders around the last three fruit trees. They look great! 

I also planted a few more seeds into small pots while I wait for the raised beds to be ready for planting.  By that, I mean I have a bit more work to do in order to plant. 

I need to plan out the remaining space for the garden. The kids want to have gardens too.  I need to figure out where those will be. 

If anyone wants to come pick rocks, you know where I am. 

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