Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Baby Playpen and Dehorning Day


The two newer bottle babies, Cinnabon and Cupcake, have been moved out to the yard with Serenade.  I put up a small play yard and covered half with a sheet to give shade and shelter. They are all doing so well.  The biggest one is Serenade, then Cinnabon, and finally Cupcake.  At night they will be put into a cage in the milking room until they are big enough to be outside at night. 

Cupcake is walking around well and nursing absolutely great.  She is gaining weight and absolutely precious! 

Cinnabon is a sweetheart and doing just as well.  She nurses well and gets around great. 

Leandra and I pulled out the dehorner today and got to work dehorning the babies.  It went pretty well except for the smoke filled room and stinging eyes (mine).  A few of them moved a bit and got some hair burned, but no injuries!

Amaretto and Kahlua were caught resting in the shade on this warm day.

Behind the hay bale, I found Stormy Skies, Cuppa Joe, and Jack Frost.

I found Thunder Rolls behind the tree.  He jumped up as soon as I got there.  

Here is Cuppa Joe (forefront) and Shiver Me Timbers.

And Jack Frost again...

Jersey's babies...Thunder Rolls and Stormy Skies.  

All are doing very well and we are glad that kidding season is nearly done except for Genevieve, our unregistered doe, who is due in April.  They are beautiful babies and at this time I am not sure which I am keeping and which I plan to sell.  


  1. I think you need to hire Leandra as a farm worker, if you teach her how to do everything, you might be able to take a trip now and then!


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